Swap-bot: Something that made me happy in November AND My favorite picture of the month November


Hi folks! Today’s post is for a Swap-bot swap. This one is for the group Electronic Swaps, which, as you can imagine, a group dedicated to electronic (e-mail, pintrest, etc.) swaps. This lovely swap has the directions to, as the title suggests, share something that made me happy during the month of November, and to save on uploading the same set of pictures twice, this is also for my favorite pictures for the month of November.

The biggest thing in November, for me, was thanksgiving. We all went to my grandma’s for dinner, it was a blast. Sadly, I did not get any pictures of that (not really). But what I did get was pictures of the rest of the weekend as my sister and brother were visiting. I haven’t seen either of them in over two years. Ok, so when I say k got pictures of them, what I mean is I got pictures of my nephews and the landscape from the hikes we went on.

Me, with my daughter and baby nephew

Me, with my daughter and baby nephew at Thanksgiving dinner


My sister with her oldest two bots, hanging out outside my grandma’s house after dinner.


Me and the baby nephew at the pool


Hard to tell, but up in the left hand corner is 120 year old graffiti. The pioneers scampered up these rocks and painted their names on the rocks. They frown on that now.


Me and my sisters oldest son. We scampered to the top of the rock to look at the names. We were the only ones who did it.


Me and my oldest youngest sister at Snow Canyon State Park.


My and my brother-in-law in one of the slot canyons in Snow Canyon State Park


My nephew telling me about his rock stack and pretending to be a train (choo! choo!)


My son and I in Zion National Park


My nephew (my sisters middle son) at Zion. He was no happy about not being home. He’d had enough traveling at this point.



My spirit plant, in purple! I do love a good cactus. My nephew insisted that I take this picture.

While my sister (and other siblings) were visiting, we did hiking in some of the local hot spots. Snow Canyon State Park and Zion National Park. I love this area. As much as I’m missing the cold and drizzles that happen in VA this time of year, I really do love the scenery here more.

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